Monday, November 12, 2018

How to Narrow Down Your Guest List

By Nadia Anderson with Virginia Grace Event Management

Wedding Guest List Richmond Weddings Virginia Grace Event Management

To put it simply, the shorter the guest list, the lower the wedding cost. Stationery, attendant gifts, guest favors, and catering are all per person costs. Food and beverage is typically the single greatest cost of a wedding day. So, the fewer people you invite, the fewer you have to feed. The number of guests can also influence décor, rental items, and entertainment choices that translate into significant savings. Aside from the cost savings, you want your wedding day to be perfect, so invite the folks that will make your day one to remember.

Here are three questions that will help you decide if your guest makes the cut. Answering “No” could lead you to strike the names from consideration or advance you to the next question.

Have you talked to them within the last year?

  • YES: If you have, it’s likely they know you’re dating seriously and they’re just waiting for the news of your engagement. They will be super excited for you and ready to celebrate with you.
  • NO: If you haven’t, perhaps you’ll want to accept their congratulations and thank them from afar.

Are they related or “like family?”

  • YES: It’s possible that there are family members that you haven’t spoken to within the year that were critical to your development into an amazing human that’s now engaged. If that’s the case, add them to the guest list. Be sure to consider if your parents are contributing to the wedding and whether or not they would suggest that this guest is included on the list.
  • NO: If this person is family that you’re not especially close to and your parents aren’t suggesting their inclusion in the celebration, leave them off the list.

Would they make your wedding more fun or memorable?

  • YES: If they have those amazing dance moves or can tell a story that will make your sides hurt, this person is a must on your guest list.
  • NO: If they won’t add a special touch to make the day more fun for you two, do not put them on the list.

In short, narrow the guest list down to people whose presence would be missed by you and your fiancé. That’s the best way to feel all the love on your wedding day.

Nadia S. Anderson is a CPA, certified Wedding and Event Planner, the Owner of Virginia Grace Event Management, and the Preferred Planner for three venues in Richmond, Virginia. To learn more about how her team can help you create stress-free wedding memories, please visit

The post How to Narrow Down Your Guest List appeared first on Richmond Weddings.

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