Monday, October 22, 2018

Vendor Spotlight: Matthew Davey with Bow Tied Weddings

Meet Matthew Davey, Director of Music and Ceremonies for Bow Tied Weddings! Matthew and his group of talented DJs are the “young and fun” crew!  Together they’ll help you make lasting memories on and off the dance floor!

Bow Tied Weddings Matthew Davey Richmond Wedding DJ Music RVA

What makes you or your business stand out and why should a couple hire you?
With over 15 years of being a DJ and over 150 weddings under my belt, I’m the most experienced wedding DJ under the age of 35. My team of Young + Fun DJs are selected after an extensive process and given top-notch training so that they too can provide the same level of service that I have been providing for over a decade. And we all wear bow ties, who hates that?

What’s a weird/unusual tip you tell your couples?
Probably a more unusual tip I mention often is try to minimize distractions. If the dance party is one of your highest priorities, but you still want to have a photo booth, why make the photobooth compete with the dance floor by putting it in another room? Put ideas like photobooth next to the dance floor so they become an accessory to the dance party rather than a distraction.

Bow Tied Weddings Matthew Davey Richmond Wedding DJ Music RVA

What’s your favorite thing about what you do?
I’d say the planning process. From the first initial sit down, grabbing drinks, learning each couples’ story, to the week of final meeting, and all the in between. The friendships that I’ve created during that time has been heartwarming. And of course, I love to see each and every couple having the time of their lives on the dance floor with their closest friends and family.

How did you get to where you are now?
Well, I was that kid in high school that threw parties in my parent’s basement. When I was 19, I got a job working for an event production company, who taught me how to DJ. I began taking gigs at bars and college parties. I had a real niche with sorority formals. I did that on the side for 7 years while working for that same company. In 2009, I started doing more private parties and weddings, which at the time, kinda felt like a more mature sorority formal. Things finally changed in 2014, when I hired another DJ, spent my savings on advertising, and decided to focus only on weddings. We did 45 weddings in 2015. Today, I have Bow Tied DJs in Richmond, Raleigh, and Charleston, and it’s just the beginning!

Bow Tied Weddings Matthew Davey Richmond Wedding DJ Music RVA

What’s something every couple should know before getting married?
The average wedding costs around $30,000 and it’s typically non-refundable. I’m going to leave that open to interpretation, every wedding and vendor is different!

What’s your go-to spot to eat in RVA?
Honey Whytes, the best burgers in town. You’ve probably never heard of this place, but it’s a small hole in the wall in Shockoe. It has a great Cheers-like crowd and well, the bartender is my roommate.

What did you want to be when you were little?
I kinda went through phases, but I suppose the one that stuck with me most was being a Chef. I actually slightly pursued that, I was a line cook in a handful of restaurants from 16 to 24. Yeah, I worked a lot. Ultimately, another form of the hospitality industry grabbed my lifelong interest.

Bow Tied Weddings Matthew Davey Richmond Wedding DJ Music RVA

What was your first job?
Barista at Grove Avenue Coffee and Tea, which is now a Starbucks. Oh and I bagged groceries at Ukrop’s.

What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
Had a bowl of Raisin Bran and a fresh fruit smoothie.

What do you like to do when you are away from work?
Typically, I’m taking my pitbull Franklin James out to battlefields and historical sites to let him run around. For me-time, I like to run long distances. I’ve run one full marathon, 5 half marathons, and several 10ks. Maybe one day I’ll have a Bow Tied 10k!

What is your happy place?
Planes and airports. The thrill of traveling is by far my happy place. I love experiencing other cultures, trying new things, and exploring ideas.

What’s the coolest thing you’re working on now?
Well, as an entrepreneur I’m always working on cool ideas. One cool thing I’m working on right now is a bachelor slash bachelorette weekend concierge service. I can’t really go into too much detail, but basically, couples that book us will get a discount on a planned weekend for their crew.

What would be in your dream sandwich?
Hmmm. A Grilled Cheese BLT with avocado and hand cut fresh fries in the sandwich, Pittsburgh style. Maybe some bourbon caramelized onions in there too.

Bow Tied Weddings Matthew Davey Richmond Wedding DJ Music RVA

What about nachos?
Probably pretty similar to the sandwich, cheese, bacon, salsa, sour cream, avocado, and fries. Sprinkle a little Sriracha on top for a little kick!

What’s your go-to dance move?
It’s called the pretzel. Sometimes I’ll teach it to a bridesmaid in an effort to bring a little more attention to the dance floor. It’s like an east coast swing dance that you learn in middle school cotillion, so it’s appropriate and fun.

Learn more about Matthew and the rest of his team on their website! All Photo Credits: Kristine Pringle Photographers

The post Vendor Spotlight: Matthew Davey with Bow Tied Weddings appeared first on Richmond Weddings.

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