Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Real Richmond Wedding: Chris and Tell’s Intimate Wedding

Chris and Tell
December 16, 2017

How They Met
Tell first met Chris through Facebook, after Chris popped up as “Someone You May Know.” After chatting for a bit, they went on their first date – drinks at Belle and James and dinner at Pasture. Tell explains, “Even on our first date it felt like we had known each other forever.” They both knew they had come across someone special.

The Proposal
Chris asked Tell to spend the rest of his life with him on October 25, 2017. They had planned to have a casual dinner out that evening and as they were walking past the courtyard of their church, Second Presbyterian, a woman asked if she could snap a quick photo of the two of them to check the light on her camera. After, she thanked them and started to walk away. “When I turned around Chris was getting down on one knee.” The woman ended up being their photographer, all planned by Chris! After Tell said yes, they went to their local favorite, Graffiato. As soon as they walked in Tell was surprised to see all of their closest family and friends to share in their engagement dinner.

The Details
“Chris and I fell in love in downtown Richmond, so we wanted to make sure we were able to incorporate some of our favorite places.” They had their ceremony at their church, and since it was around the holidays, the decor was already set. Chris was born on Christmas Day, so they wanted to have a holiday-themed wedding but in a way that felt moody and matched their welcoming aesthetic. With only 20 guests, Chris and Tell wanted the intimacy to connect individually with each of their guests in a way that made them feel valued.

After the ceremony, they headed over to Graduate Richmond for their pictures (with their pup Finnegan), then back to Graffiato for their wedding dinner. The atmosphere for their dinner celebration was designed by their good friend, Ocelia. It complemented their loft-like feel and welcoming vibe. “We decided on having one long table, so everyone could see each other and connect as the meal progressed.” Their night ended surrounded by their closest family and friends, celebrating their love and coming together as one.

Favorite Part of the Day
“There are so many special moments from the day. It would be impossible to pick just one!”

Biggest Challenge
“The biggest challenge we had was convincing our parents we wanted a small wedding. I have a fairly extended family and inviting them all for our budget was not an option. Our church offered to live stream the wedding so we were able to give that link to everyone so they could share the moment live. We also decided to have a second reception in Westport, CT so the larger part of the family could celebrate in person.”

Best Piece of Advice
“Take all the photos possible. From the engagement to the wedding to the reception and every party in between, capture every possible moment.”

The post Real Richmond Wedding: Chris and Tell’s Intimate Wedding appeared first on Richmond Weddings.

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